Joey Mengyuan Chen

Joey Mengyuan Chen
Joey Mengyuan Chen has research interests in international news, audience engagement, digital and social media, and discourse in traditional and new media.
Before joining the doctoral program at Merrill College, she worked as a podcast editor at a new media company in Beijing, China, and as an intern journalist at Shandong Radio and Television Station, an industry-leading provincial TV station in China. She managed offline, city-level cultural events in Beijing and Shanghai. Her work and research explore young people’s uptake of different media platforms and technologies to construct new spaces for communication, storytelling and social activism.
Areas of Interest
- International news
- Mediated communication
- Discourse in traditional and new media
- Digital and social media
- Audience research
- B.A. (English), Xi'an Jiaotong University (China)
- M.A. (Communication Management), George Washington University