Chris Harvey, Sean Mussenden Become First Merrill Faculty Members Promoted to Principal Lecturer
COLLEGE PARK — Chris Harvey and Sean Mussenden have become the first two faculty members at the University of Maryland’s Philip Merrill College of Journalism ever promoted to the professional-track rank of Principal Lecturer, Dean Lucy Dalglish announced.
Merrill's DeNeen Brown Promoted to Professor, Krishnan Vasudevan Appointed to Associate Professor With Tenure
COLLEGE PARK — DeNeen L. Brown and Dr. Krishnan Vasudevan, faculty members at the University of Maryland’s Philip Merrill College of Journalism, have been promoted to elevated ranks, Dean Lucy Dalglish announced. Brown has been appointed to full Professor and Vasudevan to Associate Professor with tenure.
Merrill College, UMD Student Journalists Win Five SPJ Mark of Excellence Regional Awards
COLLEGE PARK — The University of Maryland and the Philip Merrill College of Journalism were well-represented as the Society of Professional Journalists recently honored the best collegiate journalism in Region 2 with its 2022 Mark of Excellence Awards.