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Razan Aljohani

Razan Aljohani

Razan Aljohani

Razan Aljohani’s research focuses on journalism practice in Saudi Arabia and its intersection with religion, tribal system and government ideology within the Saudi context. Before joining Merrill College, Aljohani served as a teaching assistant in the Communication and Media Department at Taibah University, where she taught courses on Introduction to Saudi Arabian Media and Digital Journalism in the Arab region. 

During her M.A. studies at Georgia State University, her research delved into the influence of the Saudi Vision 2030 plan on female journalists’ contributions to newspapers. She also explored the impact of government attempts to empower women in their roles in journalism. 

She aspires to advance the understanding of the multifaceted dimensions of media practice in the Arab world in general, with a specific focus on Saudi Arabia.

Areas of Interest
  • Journalism in the Middle East
  • Journalism in non-democratic regimes
  • Journalism and media studies
  • Women, gender and sexuality studies

B.A. (Journalism), Taibah University (Saudi Arabia)
M.A. (Mass Communication), Georgia State University


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