COLLEGE PARK -- Several Ph.D. students and faculty from the University of Maryland Philip Merrill College of Journalism have been invited to present their peer-reviewed research at the national virtual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) this week, from Aug. 4-7.
Sixteen total papers from Merrill College researchers were chosen.
Ph.D. students Dinfin Mulupi and Carolina Velloso, and Merrill Professor Linda Steiner each were a part of three projects selected. Frankie Ho Chun Wong, Jodi McFarland Friedman, Sohana Nasrin, Shannon Scovel and Gea Ujčić each either wrote or co-wrote two.
Dr. Ronald Yaros, director of Merrill’s Ph.D. program, has also been invited to moderate and discuss a research session by the AEJMC Science Communication Division. He said 16 conference papers this year is an impressive representation of Merrill’s Ph.D. students and faculty.
“It is a testament to the high-quality training, research and scholarship that Merrill’s Ph.D. program is famous for,” Yaros said.
“Riot on the Hill: International Coverage of a U.S. Insurrection Attempt,” from Mulupi, Keegan Clements-Housser, McFarland Friedman, Nataliya Rostova, Ujčić, Matt Wilson, Ho Chun Wong and Steiner, took second place in the Stevenson Open Paper Competition.
Velloso’s paper, “Race Films and the Black Press: Representation and Resistance,” was the third-place student paper in the History Division.
Dr. Ira Chinoy, a Merrill associate professor and one of five winners of the AEJMC's Jinx Coleman Broussard Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Media History, will be doing a presentation on teaching innovation Saturday as part of a panel with the other four award winners. Nasrin and fellow Ph.D. student Bobbie Foster-Bhusari will also be part of a panel Friday on how to cover protests responsibly, safely and legally.
AEJMC is a nonprofit, educational association of journalism and mass communication educators, students and media professionals. AEJMC’s mission is to advance education, foster scholarly research, cultivate better professional practice and promote the free flow of communication.
Additionally, Merrill Ph.D. student Sara Browning will present her paper, “Ambrose Bierce, the Press, and America's Most Hated Minority, 1868-1886," at the American Journalism Historians Association Conference from Oct. 8-9. The paper has been nominated for two awards -- for Best Student Research and Best Research on a Minorities Topic.
Here is the complete list of Merrill research to be presented at this week's AEJMC conference:
Author: Frankie Ho Chun Wong
Paper: “Multifaceted Protest Paradigm: The Visual Coverage of the 2019 Hong Kong Protests in International News”
Division: Visual Communication Division
Author: Weiping Li
Paper: “It’s a Small World After All -- How COVID-19 False Information Travels Across Borders and Morphs During the Pandemic”
Division: International Communication Division
Author: Jodi McFarland Friedman
Paper: “#freebritney, #freekesha, #freemelania: Hashtag Activism and Notions of Feminism in Online Communities”
Division: Commission on the Status of Women
Authors: Dinfin Mulupi, Keegan Clements-Housser, Jodi McFarland Friedman, Nataliya Rostova, Gea Ujčić, Matt Wilson, Frankie Ho Chun Wong, Linda Steiner
Paper: “Riot on the Hill: International Coverage of a U.S. Insurrection Attempt”
Division: International Communication Division
Authors: Dinfin Mulupi, Linda Steiner
Paper: “Gender and Presidential Candidates’ Self-Presentation on YouTube Videos”
Division: Political Communication Division
Author: Dinfin Mulupi
Paper: “ ‘Stick to Tennis’? Media and Public Narratives in Reaction to Naomi Osaka’s #BLM Activism”
Division: Sports Communication Interest Group
Author: Sohana Nasrin
Paper: “Can Journalists be Activists?: A Metajournalistic Discourse Analysis to Understand the Relationship between Journalism and Activism”
Division: Critical Cultural Studies Division
Authors: Sohana Nasrin, Mahfuzul Haque, Bobbie Foster-Bhusari
Paper: “ ‘Without a Fixer It Is Just an Idea, But With a Fixer, It Will Be a Story’: Local News Producers Perspectives on their Work and Extant Challenges”
Division: Newspaper and Online News Division
Author: Shannon Scovel
Paper: “An SEC Soccer Champion and a Winless Football Team: Media Framing and the Self-Representation of Sarah Fuller’s Fall Season as a Vanderbilt Commodore Student-Athlete”
Division: Commission on the Status of Women
Author: Shannon Scovel
Paper: “#TriathlonSoWhite: A Critical Assessment of the Representation, Underrepresentation and Branding of Intersectional Bodies on the @USATriathlon Official Instagram Account”
Division: Sports Communication Interest Group
Author: Linda Steiner (co-wrote)
Paper: “#MeToo Academia: Media Coverage of Academic Sexual Misconduct at U.S. Universities”
Division: Commission on the Status of Women
Author: Gea Ujčić
Paper: “In ‘Other’ News: A Media Framing Analysis of COVID-19 Emergence in Croatia”
Division: International Communication Division
Author: Krishnan Vasudevan
Paper: “Through the Bars: How Media Produced with and by Prisoners Offers an Alternative Lens to Understand the Criminal Justice System”
Divisions: Cultural and Critical Studies; Newspaper and Online News Divisions
Author: Carolina Velloso
Paper: “Race Films and the Black Press: Representation and Resistance”
Division: History Division
Author: Carolina Velloso
Paper: “Source Diversity in Nonprofit News: A Comparative Analysis of The 19th* and The New York Times”
Division: Newspaper and Online News Division
Author: Carolina Velloso
Paper: “Making Soufflé with Metal: Effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Sports Journalism Routines”
Division: Sports Communication Interest Group
For more information, contact:
Josh Land