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Merrill College

Merrill Ph.D. Students and Faculty to be Honored, Present Research at 2024 AEJMC National Conference

COLLEGE PARK — Nine Ph.D. students from the University of Maryland’s Philip Merrill College of Journalism had research accepted for presentation at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication’s national conference, which will be held Aug. 8-11 in Philadelphia.

Christoph Mergerson

Additionally, Assistant Professor Christoph Mergerson and Ph.D. student Jodi McFarland Friedman will be honored at the conference. Mergerson won the Promising Professor Award from the AEJMC Mass Communication & Society Division. 

Jodi McFarland Friedman

Friedman was named an AEJMC-Mass Communication & Society Division Diversity and Inclusion Career Development Fellow, and received a grant for attending the conference. 

“Merrill College is doing outstanding research on topics ranging from journalists reporting from the battlefield, to the history of American journalism, to digital tools for journalists,” said Dr. Sarah Oates, Merrill College's associate dean for research. “The AEJMC conference gives us the opportunity to showcase all the wonderful things happening at Merrill, including the insightful research being done in service of journalism, media and democracy.”

Razan Aljohani either wrote or co-authored three selections, while Mohamed Salama, Michael Sessa and Joey Mengyuan Chen each had two papers accepted.

Mohamed Salama

Salama’s co-authored paper, “Shattered Lives, Unbroken Stories: Journalists' Perspectives from the Frontlines of War,” took first place in the International Communication Division’s Robert L. Stevenson Open Paper Competition.

His paper, “Law Enforcement and Lynching in the Press: America's Narrative from 1835 to 1950,” was selected to the Commission on Graduate Education’s Top Paper Refereed Research Paper Section.

Joey Mngyuan Chen

Chen’s “Dancing with Shackles On: The Consulted New Woman in the Exchange of Letters in Linglong Magazine” won the Warren Price Student Paper competition award.

Merrill College’s presence at the premier journalism research event is boosted by four faculty members sharing their expertise on conference panels.

Associate Professor Rob Wells and Assistant Professor Naeemul Hassan will be panelists on the pre-conference workshop, “Using the Tools of Digital Humanities in Journalism History and Media Research.”

Mergerson will be a member of the panel, “My First Year as a Full-Time Faculty Member: Experiences and Lessons from the First-Year On the Job.” 

Associate Dean Linda Steiner will serve as a panelist on a research session from the Commission on the Status of Women/Media Ethics Division, “Lessons Learned: Creating a Guide to Best Practices for Ethical Collaborations.”


Razan Aljohani, “The Contribution of Saudi Female Journalists in Newspapers: Before and After Saudi Vision 2030”

Razan Aljohani, “Unveiling the Neglected: Exploring Media Depictions of Sudanese Women Amid Crisis”

Joey Mengyuan Chen, “Dancing with Shackles On: The Consulted New Woman in the Exchange of Letters in Linglong Magazine”

Joey Mengyuan Chen, “Sowing Roses in Concrete: The Resistance and Resilience of Chinese Young Feminist Social Media Practitioners” (co-authored)

Sally Farhat, “The 2005 Assassinations of Lebanese Journalists”

Diana Krovvidi, “How Ethnic Press in the US Urged the Diaspora to Preserve the Ukrainian Language (1893-1914)”

Jodi McFarland Friedman, “Truth Hurts: Lizzo, Fat-Feminism, and the Power of Gaze”

Mohamed Salama, “Shattered Lives, Unbroken Stories: Journalists' Perspectives from the Frontlines of War” (co-authored)

Mohamed Salama, “Law Enforcement and Lynching in the Press: America's Narrative from 1835 to 1950”

Michael Sessa, Razan Aljohani and Kemi Busari, “Anniversary Journalism in Action: Comparative Analysis of Russo-Ukrainian War Coverage Across Global Newspapers” (co-authored)

Michael Sessa, “Ordinary Transgender Representation in Criticized New York Times Reporting”

Gea Ujčić, “This_is_Scandalous: A Critical Technocultural Discourse Analysis of an Online Anti-harassment Campaign in Croatia”

For more information, contact:
Josh Land

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